Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Random Thought on Athletics

Why is it that as a society, we generally treat athletes as though their, pardon the phrase, "shit don't stink"?

I mean looking at the list of newest additions to The Order of Canada, Mario Lemmieux? Seriously?? He was a great hockey player, that is undeniable (although I really didn't like watching him play). Yet, what did he do to prove he "desires a better country" other than leave Canada? If that is ALL one has to do to earn the Order of Canada, let me get a job in Philly and I'm a shoe in for the next induction.

Or is it because he brought a Stanley Cup to Pittsburgh? If so, Crosby should be inducted already, along with Malkin, etc. Hell once the Leafs finally win a cup I'll expect to see the entire team inducted.

Another gripe on this line: The RBC ads about "putting athletes first since 19??" I mean why should I keep my money in their bank then just so I can be a second class citizen to some people who happen to be good at sports?

At this rate I'd be tempted to ground my children if they touched a book instead of working on their slapshot. Except I'd rather have intelligent kids.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Happy New Year

So here it is, the new year and the *LAST* year of the decade. So what will 2010 bring? Here's hoping that at some point many things will seem a whole lot clearer and / or go a little smoother.

Being realistic though, if some things are smoother or clearer, others become
murkier and rougher. It's just the way life is.

Given the changes at work in the last few months of 2009, I can't help but think the first few months of 2010 will be very, very interesting. With just two people on my team to start the year and four projects to design and estimate, the next few weeks are almost guaranteed to be busy as hell.

This will definitely bring the need for time management and figuring out ways to work smarter for the new year. How to do this and what will be the most efficient way to proceed, however, is what is still to be determined.

Enough about work though. I think it's time for the perennial list of new years resolutions. Why? Because it's my blog and I feel like it.

  1. Spend less money on games.

  2. Exercise in a consistent fashion

  3. Eat at least a little healthier

  4. Figure out what to do with my career

That's all for now. Happy New Year and Blessed Be.